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Fixed Assets Questions and Answers Grade 12 PDF Download


What are fixed assets?
Fixed assets are tangible assets that a business uses in its operations and have a useful life of more than one year. They are listed as property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) on a company’s balance sheet. 
What are some examples of fixed assets?

Examples of fixed assets include delivery trucks, company parking lots, machinery, factories, tools, furniture, and computers. 

How do you calculate net fixed assets?

The formula for calculating net fixed assets is total fixed assets minus depreciation and liabilities. 

What is not considered a fixed asset?
Personal vehicles used to get to work are not considered fixed assets. Buying rock salt to melt ice in the parking lot is also not considered a fixed asset

Fixed Assets Questions and Answers Grade 12 

A fixed asset, also known as long-lived assets or property, plant and equipment, is a term used in accounting for assets and property that may not easily be converted into cash. Fixed assets are different from current assets, such as cash or bank accounts, because the latter are liquid assets.

Vehicle is sold for R40 000 cash.
Cost price of vehicle: R100 000
Accumulated depreciation: R 90 000
Carrying value = R 10 000
Depreciation is calculated at 20% on Cost price

  • Additional depreciation: 100 000 × 20% = R20 000
  • The carrying value is already R10 000 and that means that depreciation can only be R10 000.
  • A fixed asset cannot be depreciated less than the cost price of the vehicle. (And not R9 999!)
Profit on sale of asset
100 000
40 000
(Because the principle of R1 is not applied, the profit is R40 000)
140 000
Accum. depreciation
100 000
40 000
140 000

Example 2 on note 3 in the Financial Statements
Complete Note 3 of the Balance sheet
Make use of the format and complete Note 3 from the financial Statements.
Name of Company _________________________________
BALANCE SHEET AT ________________________________

Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment


3. Property, plant and equipment  Vehicles 
Cost Price
Accumulated Depreciation
Carrying value on the last day of the previous year
Additions at cost
Disposals at carrying value (book value)
Depreciation for the year
Carrying value on the last day of current year
Cost Price
Accumulated Depreciation
Carrying value on the last day of current year

Memorandum of example 1
Calculation of Depreciation and cost price and carrying value

Asset registerPercentage Depreciation: 20 % p.a. at cost price/straight line method
Details of depreciation
DetailsAnnual depreciation CalculationsAccumulated depreciationBook value or known as “Carrying value”
End of first year80 000 × 20%= 16 00016 00064 000
(80 000 – 16 000)
End of second year80 000 × 20%= 16 00032 000(80 000 – 32 000) 48 000
End of third year80 000 × 20%= 16 00048 00032 000
End of fourth year80 000 × 20%= 16 00064 00016 000
End of fifth year80 000 × 20%= 16 000
15 999
(Cannot depreciate R16 000, because of the scrap value of R1. Therefore can only depreciate R15 999)
(64 000 + 15 999)
79 999
(80 000 – 79 999)


Asset registerPercentage Depreciation: 10 % p.a. at carrying value/ book value or
called diminishing value
Details of depreciation
DetailsAnnual depreciation CalculationsAccumulated depreciationBook value or known as “Carrying value”
Cost price R20 000 End of first year20 000 × 10% × 6/12
= 1 000
1 00019 000
End of second year19 000 × 10% = 1 900(2 000 + 1 900)
2 900
(20 000 – 2 900)
17 100
End of third year17 100 × 10% = 1 7104 61015 390
End of fourth year15 390 × 10% = 1 5396 14913 851
End of fifth year13 851 × 10% –
1 385, 10
7 534,1012 465,90

Memorandum of example 2
Complete the note to the financial statements by using the given ledger accounts
Name of Company _________________________________
BALANCE SHEET AT ________________________________

Non-current assets230 000
Property, plant and equipment (at carrying value)230 000


3. Property, plant and equipmentVehicles
Cost Price180 000
Accumulated Depreciation(60 000)
Carrying value on the last day of the previous year120 000
Additions at cost (150 000 + 50 000)200 000
Disposals at carrying value (100 000 – 25000)(75 000)
 Depreciation for the year (5 000 + 10 000)(15 000)
Carrying value on the last day of current year230 000
Cost Price280 000
Accumulated Depreciation(50 000)
Carrying value on the last day of current year230 000

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