Animal Health and Diseases – Agricultural Sciences Grade 12 Questions and Answers


Animal Health and Diseases – Agricultural Sciences Grade 12 Questions and Answers


  • Answer the questions below. Check your answers afterwards and do corrections.
  • Give yourself one hour.
  • Marks: 100
  1. Choose ONE answer below to complete this sentence: Various laboratory tests can be done on live animals to help make a diagnosis. For example, a faecal examination can be done to ________
    1.1 to look for parasites in blood cells
    1.2 check for antibodies
    1.3 test for signs of roundworm
    1.4 grow a culture for an infectious agent (2)
  2. Angora goats can suffer from anaemia. (4)
    2.1 List FOUR possible causes.
    2.2 How would you eliminate each cause to make a diagnosis? (4)
  3. There is an infectious disease that causes deaths in newborn animals.
    3.1 Name this disease. (1)
    3.2 How can these young animals be protected? (1)
  4. FMD causes few mortalities in farm animals. Discuss why it is important to control this disease. (5)
  5. Animal health is important in livestock production.
    5.1 Study and complete the table below. Write down the question number, the letter and your answer next to each letter. (3)

    Scientific nameInternal/externalType of parasiteEffect on host animal
    Psorogates ovisexternalsheep scab miteA
    Lucilia cuprinaBblowflywounds in woolled sheep
    Fasciola hepaticainternalCanaemia

    5.2 There are TWO examples of metallic salt poisoning that can affect farm animals. Identify them. (2)
    5.3 What are they symptoms and treatment of urea poisoning? (3)

  6. Name FOUR infectious diseases in this topic that are zoonoses or transmissible to humans. (4)
  7. Describe the general behavioural changes shown by a sick farm animal. (4)
  8. Give TWO examples of a chronic infectious disease. (2)
  9. It is important for farmers to control viral diseases.
    9.1 Can antibiotics be used to treat viral diseases? (1)
    9.2 What is the main method of control for these diseases? (1)
  10. List FIVE typical symptoms of heartwater. (5)
  11. There are various types of internal parasites.
    11.1 Which TWO main types have intermediate hosts? (2 × 1 = 2)
    11.2 Give an example for each answer in (11.1). (2)
    11.3 Name the intermediate host of each answer in (11.2). (2)
  12. Livestock is vulnerable to ticks.
    12.1 Outline the negative effects of ticks on farm animals. (4 × 2 = 8)
    12.2 List the infectious diseases transmitted by ticks. (3 × 1 = 3)
    12.3 Explain how ticks provide immunity against tick-borne diseases. (2)
  13. List FOUR important infectious diseases of pigs that have occurred in South Africa. (4)
  14. Indicate THREE main types of livestock affected by foot-and-mouth disease. (3)
  15. Poisonous plants can affect animal production.
    15.1 Name a poisonous plant that can cause liver damage in ruminants. (1)
    15.2 Name TWO poisonous plants that cause heart attacks. (2)
    15.3 Which plant poisoning causes nervous symptoms? (1)
    15.4 How can plant poisonings be prevented in a herd? (1)
    15.5 Give an example of a dip which can cause fatal poisoning in animals when the correct dose is exceeded. (1)
  16. Why is sheep scab control vital to the wool industry in South Africa? (2)
  17. Name FOUR conditions/parasites which can damage the fleece of sheep. (4)
  18. An external parasite lays live larvae on its host.
    18.1 Name this parasite. Give its scientific and common name. (2)
    18.2 What are the symptoms of this condition? (1)
  19. Describe the steps one can take to prevent urea poisoning in livestock. (4)
  20. Explain the differences between the terms:
    20.1 infection and infestation
    20.2 macroscopic and microscopic (2 × 2 = 4)
  21. Explain the meaning of these terms:
    21.1 serology
    21.2 histology
    21.3 postmortem (3 × 2 = 6)
  22. The sale of medication for farm animals is regulated by an Act.
    22.1 Name the Act. (1)
    22.2 Explain the purpose of the Act.


  1. test for signs of roundworm (2)
  2. Angora goats can suffer from anaemia: (4)
    2.1 Liver fluke, blue lice, heavy tick infestation.
    2.2 For wireworm and flukes do examination for eggs in faeces, blue lice and ticks can be detected by examining the skin/hair (4)
  3. Infectious disease that causes deaths in newborn animals:
    3.1 Rift valley fever. (1)
    3.2 Mothers must be vaccinated. (1)
  4. To prevent a loss of income because of drop in production in intensive farming and exports of agricultural products to FMD free countries prevented. (5)
  5. Animal health iand livestock production:
    5.1 A damage to fleece; B external parasite; C internal parasiter. (3)
    5.2 Pesticides and herbicides; Organophosphates; copper sulphate overdose. (2)
    5.3 Bloating, nervous symptoms; dminister vinegar into the rumen or by mouth to treat alkalosis. This treatment will restore the pH to normal levels. (3)
  6. Rabies, brucella, anthrax, RVF. (4)
  7. Depressed, lack of appetite, reluctant to move, loss of fear of humans. (4)
  8. BTB, anaplasmosis. (2)
  9. Control viral diseases:
    9.1 No (1)
    9.2 Vaccination (1)
  10. Fever, nervous symptoms such as loss of balance, difficult breathing and fluid from nose, lying down and paddling (any five) (5)
  11. Internal parasites:
    11.1 Tapeworms and flukes (2 × 1 = 2)
    11.2 Milk tapeworm; liver fluke. (2)
    11.3 Soil mite; water snail. (2)
  12. Ticks have various effects on animals.
    12.1 Anemia, appetite suppression, paralysis, transmission of diseases, damage to skin and organs from abscesses resulting from bites. (4 × 2 = 8)
    12.2 Heartwater, redwater, anaplasma. (3 × 1 = 3)
    12.3 They continue to ‘vaccinate’ the animal with the tick borne organism. (2)
  13. African swine, fever, hog cholera, FMD, anthrax. (4)
  14. Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs (any three) (3)
  15. Poisonous plants:
    15.1 Lantana camara (1)
    15.2 Gifblaar and tulp. (2)
    15.3 Stenocarpella, the maize fungus (1)
    15.4 Don’t allow the herd to graze in a field that has them. (1)
    15.5 Organophosphate dips. (1)
  16. Because of the damage it causes to fleece. (2)
  17. Sheep scab, lice infestation, lumpy wool and blowfly strike. (4)
  18. An external parasite lays live larvae on its host.
    18.1 Oestrus ovis; nasal worm. (2)
    18.2 Nasal discharge. (1)
  19. Feed urea gradually to allow rumen flora to adjust and do not interrupt feeding; do not exceed 1% intake; don’t allow urea blocks to dissolve in water. (4)
  20. Explain the differences between the terms:
    20.1 Infection refers to disease caused by microorganisms; infestation refers to parasites on animals
    20.2 Macroscopic and microscopic macroscopic means visible to eye; microscopic objects can only be seen under the microscope (2 × 2 = 4)
  21. Define the terms:
    21.1 Testing blood for antibody.
    21.2 Analysing tissue with microscope.
    21.3 Examination of dead animal. (3 × 2 = 6)
  22. Regulating the sale of medication for farm animals:
    22.1 Stock remedies Act 36 of 1947. (1)
    22.2 Ensures efficacy and safety of products sold to animal owners. (2)
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